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HELP! Headless guitar kit nightmare!
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Author:  stupotter2602 [ Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  HELP! Headless guitar kit nightmare!

Hi Guys,

I bought this kit of ebay the other day ... 5ae689b9c5

When it came I was so happy the wood grain was beautiful and the all the parts felt so premium considering the price tag.

However I am aware that headless guitars have very different bridge systems than normal guitars as the have the tuners built into the reverse tremolo locking system however I have never owned or built a headless guitar before.

The problem I am having is that the back of the guitar has no section routed out for where one normally access the back of the bridge. See Im just going from what I've seen on many guitars over the years however it may just be my inexperience with headless guitars but surely there should be a section routed out? If not I'm also have a problem seeing where I could screw in the bridge?

If it turns out it does need to be routed is there anyway I can route it myself with a professional CNC machine?

Any feedback would awesome cause I'm kind of at the end of my wick with all this!



Author:  stupotter2602 [ Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! Headless guitar kit nightmare!

verhoevenc wrote:
Not all trems have a back route. Pics look like everything is good to go from what I can see. This bridge likely has a mechanism for adjustment from the top much like the kahler ridges do.
As for screwing it... Make sure you've for the right spot and then drill some screw holes if not already there.

Thanks for reassuring me. I've just looked and I'm thinking there is a way to screw it in without routing however it looks like I'm going to have to take apart the bridge. Have you got any knowledge about this?


Author:  Mattia Valente [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! Headless guitar kit nightmare!

I have a very similar bridge to that (visually, anyway). Taking pictures of your actual bridge and body close up will help figure out what needs to go where and whether you need to disassemble your bridge before installation.

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